Can Stress Cause Dizziness And Nausea?

Woman Feeling Dizzy

Signs of dizziness include light-headedness, a sensation of weakness or being unsteady, and feeling faint or passing out. Nausea is an unpleasant sensation in the throat or stomach that can result in vomiting. And vertigo is the sense of your surroundings moving or spinning.

There are many causes of dizziness including blood pressure problems and pain medications. Nausea may be due to eating disorders or a viral infection. And vertigo can be triggered by stress. But can stress cause dizziness and nausea? Find out more here…

Dizziness Data

Frequent dizzy spells can make your daily life challenging – and can be dangerous if they result in a fall. Or if they’re accompanied by chest pain and head pressure. Causes of dizziness include:


Weakness and de-conditioning of the muscles alongside limited exercise can cause dizziness in elderly people. Poor blood circulation can result in dizziness when standing quickly – and hardening of the arteries and deteriorating eyesight and coordination can also contribute.

Brain diseases or conditions

Migraines, strokes, and dementia can all be triggers of dizziness, as can loss of blood supply to the brain.

Heart diseases

Irregular heart rhythms and extremely high blood pressure are just two reasons for dizziness. Weakened or diseased heart muscles and drugs taken that affect the heart rate can also be a trigger.

Metabolic disorders

Dehydration and hypoglycaemia – low blood sugar levels including a reaction to insulin – and hypoxia, low blood oxygen can cause dizziness.

Other diseases

Anaemia, internal bleeding, and endocrine diseases where hormone-producing organs fail and affect hydration and balance.


Due to low sugar levels, anaemia, or pressure on blood vessels dizziness can happen in any stage of pregnancy.

Psychiatric disorders

Comprising of depression, anxiety, and stress dizziness. The conversion of a mental illness such as anxiety into physical symptoms is known as somatisation.

Can stress cause dizziness? As stress affects the emotions and causes psychological symptoms an increased stress level can cause physical symptoms such as dizziness. The cycle of anxiety causing stress and vice-versa can enhance the feeling of dizziness.

Medical Intervention?

Life-threatening illnesses can actually start with dizziness and can be accompanied by additional symptoms. You’ll need to see your doctor immediately if you’re experiencing dizziness alongside:

  • Chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations
  • Facial droop and slurred speech indicating a stroke
  • Fever and pale skin
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness

A serious cause of dizziness will be quickly evaluated. A detailed history will be followed up with extensive tests. An ECG may be carried out, alongside blood studies.

CT scans and cardiac stress tests may be ordered, and you may be asked to stay in hospital. If internal bleeding or haemorrhage is diagnosed as causing the dizziness then an emergency blood transfusion or surgery may be required.

Treatments for Dizziness

As dizziness can often be the symptom of an underlying condition, treatments can vary and include:

  • Intravenous fluid given to correct dehydration
  • Medications to control fever and treat any infections
  • Oxygen for hyperventilation and shortness of breath
  • Diazepam, Valium, or Ativan administered for addressing the spinning feeling when vertigo is a possible cause

Mild cases of dizziness can be treated with home remedies that comprise of making your home a safe place – securing rugs and carpets, and erecting safety bannisters. Shower and bath mats will provide extra safety in the bathroom. Your doctor will be able to put you in touch with a professional home-safety consultant.

Self-care strategies for stress and depression involve a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Letting others help with managing expectations and postponing important decisions will all be positive interventions to aid your recovery.

    Nausea Knowledge

    Anxiety is a response to stress and when you feel overly anxious you may experience a bout of nausea. Stress nausea can cause uneasiness in the stomach that comes prior to vomiting. The timing of nausea can also indicate other causes such as inflammation of the stomach lining, an ulcer, or bacterial infections which can take longer to produce symptoms.

    If nausea lasts for longer than a few days there is a possibility of pregnancy. Dehydration, infection, or a head injury can cause physical vomiting. If vomiting lasts for more than 24 hours, or is accompanied by blood in the vomit, a severe headache or stiff neck, or lethargy and confusion you should get medical help.

    Preventing Nausea

    To stop nausea from developing you can try:

    • Eating slowly and take small meals throughout the day
    • Rest after eating
    • Drink plenty of liquids between meals
    Dizzy Vision

    Vertigo Facts

    Vertigo is a symptom rather than an actual condition. When you feel the room moving or spinning the attack can last for a few seconds or far longer. Severe vertigo makes it difficult to keep your balance, and makes everyday life problematic.

    You may feel sick or be sick, and it can be accompanied by dizziness. Additional symptoms experienced can be a high temperature, tinnitus, and loss of hearing.

    Can stress cause vertigo? Research has shown that depression and anxiety can trigger this sensation. Vertigo caused by stress can result in prompt relapses in sufferers. Other causes of vertigo include:

    • Migraines and severe headaches
    • An inner ear infection known as labyrinthitis
    • Certain head movements medically referred to as BPPV – benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

    Vertigo Treatments

    Often vertigo will improve without any treatment. When episodes are repeated and it keeps coming back, you’ll need to see your doctor. Tests will determine the vertigo type – and the appropriate treatment prescribed.

    Antihistamines can help in the early stages – and a series of simple head movements can be used to treat BPPV. These are referred to as the Epley manoeuvre.

    Exercises specifically designed for people with balance problems may also be recommended. Known as VRT, vestibular rehabilitation training can be of great benefit.

    You may also be advised to:

    • Do simple exercises to help correct your symptoms
    • Move your head carefully and slowly
    • Avoid bending down to pick up articles
    • Get up slowly and sit a while before standing
    • Sleep with your head raised on two or more pillows

    Help Reduce Stress

    There’s a range of stress relief products readily available including:

    Touchpoints that reduce stress with gentle vibrations to both sides of the body-worn as a pair this combination of vibrations reduces stress and anxiety and restore calm

    Sensate devices that reduce tension and relaxes you on-demand – a unique creation that lets you experience sound and 3D tactile landscapes – providing deep relaxation meditation

    Henry Warren I am a professional writer and health & wellness enthusiast.
