Why Is Exercise Important?

Woman Lying on Yoga mat

Activities needing physical effort carried out to improve your health and fitness can also develop your muscle strength – and increase your endurance. As well as delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, exercise also helps heart and lung condition.

There are lots of reasons why regular activity enhances your health and actually improves your quality of life. Find out the importance of exercise here…

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Why is exercise important?

Too much sitting can increase your risk of a stroke or heart disease. Being more active can keep your weight at a controlled level as exercise is key to burning off the calories. Regular exercise can increase your metabolic rate which will burn more calories, and in some cases help you to lose weight. It also helps you to maintain your muscle mass.

Improving circulation happens as good cholesterol is promoted through the blood, and unhealthy triglycerides decrease. Regular exercise can help manage many health problems, develop cognitive function, and lower the risk of death from other physical conditions.

Why do we need to exercise?

If you don’t exercise there’s a potential for your muscles to become weak, and your joints to stiffen. There’s also a risk that your heart and lungs won’t function as efficiently. Studies have shown that participating in regular exercise can help control pain that’s associated with chronic soft tissue shoulder disorder, chronic lower back pain, and fibromyalgia. And can increase tolerance for pain.

Regular exercise can also improve sexual desire and function – and help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.

Is exercise good for you?

Yes, it is. And it can actually make you feel happy as it changes parts of the brain that regulate stress and anxiety. Increasing the brain’s sensitivity to certain hormones relieve feelings of depression. And helps reduce the perception of pain, and produce positive feelings.

People who are physically active and maintain a healthy weight live about seven years longer than those who are inactive. A better quality of life and independence is achieved as chronic illnesses and diseases are delayed and often prevented.

Why is it important to exercise?

Exercise involves continual and rhymical motion that enhances your stamina by making your body become more efficient and using less energy. Heart and breathing rates soon return to normal as your level of conditioning gets better.

Using weights and other resistance training will develop ligaments, bones, and muscles – resulting in a stronger posture. Consistent physical activity can build muscles and robust bones – helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Brain function and thinking skills are enriched by the increased flow of oxygen and blood to your brain. This promotes growth of the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning – and reduces changes in the brain that can cause schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s.

Why should we exercise?

Research has shown that regular exercise can reduce feelings of persistent fatigue. And significantly increase energy levels for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, and progressive illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and cancer.

Daily physical exercise is recommended to maintain and improve insulin sensitivity, decrease blood pressure, and reduce stomach fat. Regular moderate activity can increase the production of natural antioxidants which can protect your skin – and delay signs of ageing.

Exercising will also improve your body’s ability to fuel the cells that fight bacteria and viruses – effectively enhancing your immune system.

Why do we exercise?

Exercise can bring many benefits especially when it provides ways to spend quality time with your family, friends, and pets. Getting involved in outdoor community projects will improve your self-confidence. And as your energy levels rise, you’ll be better able to manage any stress and tension.

Regular physical activity also helps you get to sleep and sleep undisturbed as the increase in body temperature is thought to improve sleep quality. And this, in turn, makes you feel more energised during the day. Elderly people affected by sleep disorders can also benefit from engaging in regular exercise.

How often should we exercise?

You should aim for at least 30 minutes a day to maintain your health and reduce the potential risk of health problems. You can work up to this time by making small changes, to begin with, such as walking – which reduces the threat of heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

For cardio exercises, you should start off by doing just three days a week. Doing too much too soon may cause muscle strain and other injuries. An hour per session if you’re experienced is ample.

Weight training spread over three days that aren’t consecutive allows the muscles adequate time to recover. And stretching can be done every day but three times a week gives maximum benefits. Do five to ten stretches holding each one for 10 to 30 seconds.

Bear in mind you may need to discuss any new exercise programmes with your GP regarding any concerns about your fitness – especially if you haven’t exercised in a while. If you have chronic health issues like arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease, you’ll need a plan specifically designed for you.

What exercise can we do?

Any activity that gets you moving is good for you. When you’re ready you can increase your walking to a brisk pace and get involved in other moderate-intensity exercise including:

  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Badminton or tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Gentle cycling

Vigorous-intensity exercise that results in you being unable to speak without pausing for breath includes:

  • Power walking
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Aerobics
  • Martial arts
  • Competitive sports
Bionic Gym

The Product to Help You Exercise

Check out the Bionic Gym – it stimulates the motor neurons to mimic aerobic exercise. When muscles contract at an optimal rate they require more oxygen, blood, and energy to make you sweat and get out of breath.

Results are achieved as the Bionic Gym uses the shivering response – as you get colder the greater the muscle shiver. Stimulated shivering applied to the muscles can imitate powerful exercise without stressing the joints.

Simply download the app, set up the Bionic Gym and accessories, and connect. Comprehensive instructions will ensure you select the exercise programme suitable for you – and you can do it all sitting on your sofa!

Henry Warren I am a professional writer and health & wellness enthusiast.
